Nordic Stories Lifestyle


A composition on the table

Anyone can learn how to take beautiful pictures and I am here to help you.

By joining the membership program you will learn how to photograph, edit your images, and style the nordic way. It is an online community that features exclusive content about photography and nordic living. A membership features gated access to videos and blog posts.

This is for you, creative soul, if you wish to…

Become the photographer of your dreams.

See behind the scenes of my creative process.

Get better at photographing still - life photos with your camera or phone.

Learn how I run my creative business.

Start creating photos with a story behind them.

Get inspiration for your creative work.

By becoming a member, you will learn to…

Live seasonally and slowly and capture that beauty into your photos.

Take advantage of the tools you already have, no need to purchase fancy equipments or props.

Find your unique style and voice to photograph.

Style your photos the nordic way.

Create eye catching photos by using composition rules, styling and editing tips.

Capture photos that are professional but most importantly beautiful.

From me to you

The membership started from the idea that I wish to share my learnings, thoughts, and inspiration with you. Something that friends with the same passion and interests share. Whether you are using camera or phone to capture your precious moments, this is for you dear friend.

Over 200 creatives souls have been loving it

“Wonderful inspiration and tips on how to photograph! I so enjoy getting your newsletter, reading posts and watching videos”

“I love receiving your newsletter in my inbox every Friday. Always a source of inspiration.”

“Thank you for helping us develop our creativity and see the other side of a slow life.”

This is what the membership includes.

The knowledge

Access to over 100 stories. They include blog posts and video tutorials.

New to learn each month

New stories are added to the site each month for you to enjoy and learn more from photography. Monthly themes allow you to learn everything you need to know of each topic.


Newsletter every first Friday of the month to let you know all the interesting new stories that are added to the site.

Enjoy 25% discount on presets

To help you out with editing, members get a discount code to my preset shop.


Members get an access to my very popular ebook called “The story of an image”.

Start your journey today and become the photographer of your dreams.

Inspiration and tutorials


Every month

“Your membership content is always like chocolate for my soul. Perfect for the weekend.”

Learn more.

The membership allows you to dive into the world of photography, inspiration and Nordic lifestyle. Anyone can learn how to take beautiful pictures and I am here to help you become the photographer of your dreams.

This community is for you to develop your skills no matter your experience in photography. You can also take advantage of the tips and insights with both tools, camera or phone.

  • When signing up for the member area, you create a customer account. Your account enables easy access to the member area. Through your account, you can manage your information and view your order.

  • Of course! The prices are in euros because that’s what I use but people from all around the world are welcome to join in. The currency exchange is made when the transaction happens.

  • The membership is aimed at making you a better photographer in terms of using light, styling, composition and storytelling. The tool you use, whether that is a phone or camera, doesn’t make any difference. Use the tool that you feel comfortable with. That way you get the most out of the tips.

  • Yes, it goes automatically every month so you can just enjoy the content. You need to unsubscribe to end the recurring fee. You can unsubscribe at any time.

  • You can cancel your membership at any time. Log in to your personal account and select unsubscribe. Please keep in mind that you won’t receive a refund for payments already made so if you wish to unsubscribe, do it before the next payment occurs.

Inspiration and tutorials


Every month